BARF guide from®
In our BARF guide you will find lots of useful information about BARF: How do dogs and cats tolerate BARF? Which BARF meat can I feed or mix? Can I give my pet bones? We answer these and many other questions in the BARF guide from Haustierkost. There are also exciting recipe ideas, advice on BARFing on vacation and tips and tricks on BARFing. Finally, in our BARF wiki we explain the most important terms related to BARFing.
BARF with Lung for Dogs and Cats
The lungs of cattle, horses and other animals are very suitable for BARF. As an organ, the lungs are used...
Leishmaniasis occurs in dogs mainly after infection in southern countries. This is why it is considered one of the Mediterranean...
linseed oil
Linseed oil is a reliable addition to BARF to mix lots of omega-3 fatty acids into the food and thus...
Cod liver oil
Cod liver oil can be an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. These support your four-legged friends' organism, for example...
Salmon oil
As the name suggests, salmon oil for dogs and cats comes directly from salmon. The oil is said to have...