BARF guide from®
In our BARF guide you will find lots of useful information about BARF: How do dogs and cats tolerate BARF? Which BARF meat can I feed or mix? Can I give my pet bones? We answer these and many other questions in the BARF guide from Haustierkost. There are also exciting recipe ideas, advice on BARFing on vacation and tips and tricks on BARFing. Finally, in our BARF wiki we explain the most important terms related to BARFing.
BARF with offal
In BARF, offal is a basic food for dogs and cats. Since the entire prey animal is hunted in biologically...
loss of appetite
Inappetence occurs when a dog or cat eats significantly less than usual or only eats particularly tasty meals. It is...
Vaccinating your dog with a vaccination plan
If you want to vaccinate your dog, a vaccination plan is recommended. Your dog will be given the most important...