BARFing with

What is BARF? If you are looking for an answer to this question, you have come to the right place at As a specialized BARF SHOP since 2009, high-quality, raw meat for dogs, cats and ferrets is important to us - and that is exactly what BARF is all about: It is the verb for the word BARF, which in turn is an acronym and stands for Biologically Appropriate Raw Feeding.

BARF – what is it?

Biologically appropriate raw feeding - what exactly is that? We give the concrete answer to the question "BARF - what is that?" here: BARFing involves feeding carnivorous pets raw meat. Unlike cooked meat, which - often together with large amounts of grain - is a component of conventional canned or dry food, especially for dogs and cats, BARF meat still contains all the vitamins and minerals in the food. For this reason alone, our first answer to the question "What is BARFing?" is often: The most species-appropriate form of nutrition for carnivores, such as dogs, cats and ferrets. In addition, BARFing for dogs, cats, ferrets and the like is closest to their natural diet in the wild. Wolves, the ancestors of our domestic dogs, as well as wild cats and wild ferrets feed almost exclusively on raw meat from their prey, which is supplemented by a small amount of plant material depending on the type of animal. This comes, for example, from the stomach contents of the respective prey.

What is BARF and how do I BARF my animal correctly?

In connection with the big topic "What is BARF?", the next question is sure to arise: "How do I BARF my animal correctly?" After all, in addition to the frozen meat, which makes up the majority of the food when BARFing cats, dogs or ferrets, other elements are needed to cover the needs of the four-legged friend in question and to provide them with all the components of a balanced diet. One of these is the plant-based component already mentioned, which often consists of fruit, vegetables and herbs and contributes valuable trace elements to the BARF. In addition, food oils for cats, dogs or ferrets can be a good addition and provide the animal with all the necessary fatty acids. On the one hand, any additional requirements depend on the type of meat that is fed, because BARF is in many cases rather low in fat. On the other hand, the pet itself and its individual needs are of course the decisive factor when it comes to further food supplements when BARFing.

You can find out more about BARF in our BARF guide .

Convinced? Our BARF calculator can help you calculate the optimal amount of food for your dog so that its needs are always met.

Please also check out our pages BARF with individual components and BARF with ready-made BARF .