BARF calculator

With our BARF calculator you can calculate the optimal amount of food for your four-legged friend. Whether you are a BARF beginner or
Whether you want to check the amount of food your dog is eating again or adjust it, our BARF calculator is suitable for both cases.

Learn how to determine the right amount →

4 %
4 kg
70 %
20 kg
Per Day 400 g
Animal Parts 280 g
Muscle Meat 106 g
Rumen/Leaves Stomach 98 g
Offal 28 g
Bones/Cartilage 42 g
Vegetable Parts 280 g
Vegetables 90 g
Fruit 30 g
Additional Ingredients
Oil 1 g
Calcium 1 g
Per Week 400 g
Animal Parts 280 g
Muscle Meat 745 g
Rumen/Leaves Stomach 686 g
Offal 196 g
Bones/Cartilage 294 g
Vegetable Parts 280 g
Vegetables 630 g
Fruit 210 g
Additional Ingredients
Oil 8 g
Calcium 8 g
Shopping List 400 g
Animal Parts 280 g
Muscle Meat 2660 g
Rumen/Leaves Stomach 2450 g
Offal 700 g
Bones/Cartilage 1050 g
Vegetable Parts 280 g
Vegetables 2250 g
Fruit 750 g
Additional Ingredients
Oil 30 g
Calcium 30 g

Note: The figures to be calculated are non-binding guidelines. Please note that the individual amount of food depends on factors such as the age, breed or activity of your dog.

How to determine the right amount:

Step 1:

Select the amount of food as a percentage of body weight.

For an adult, healthy dog, choose 2-3% depending on activity.

For small dogs up to 10 kilograms, choose 3-4% of body weight.

For very large breeds weighing 30 kilograms or more, choose 1.5-2%.

step 2

Select the meat content in %.

A normal BARF ration is based on 80% meaty
and 20% vegetable content.

step 3

Select the body weight in kg of your four-legged friend.

Step 4:

With the feed quantity in kg control you can choose how much
Food should be on your shopping list. This way you can find out how much of each component you need.

Back to the BARF calculator →

Determine the optimal amount of food with our BARF calculator

Our BARF calculator helps you to easily determine your dog's food requirements. This way you can be sure that you are always feeding the right amount of BARF meat. Start by entering your dog's body weight. For the other information, such as the amount of food as a percentage of body weight, the desired meat content and the amount of food in kilograms, you can use our standard recommendations as a guide. The BARF calculator then calculates the daily and weekly amount of food for you. It divides the food into animal and plant components. In the detailed overview you will also find out what amounts of muscle meat, tripe and omasum, offal, bones and cartilage, vegetables and fruit as well as oil and calcium you should feed.

The BARF calculator makes BARFing your dog super easy, as it allows you to check all the important aspects of biologically appropriate raw feeding at a glance. This means you no longer have to worry about the different elements of a balanced and healthy diet for your four-legged friend. Even if you are already a BARF professional and have been feeding your animal raw food for years, it is worth trying out our BARF calculator. The amount of food required can change with the age, activity and general health of your dog. If you have any questions about the BARF calculator or would like to know which factors you should pay particular attention to when feeding, take a look at our FAQs or contact our friendly team.