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Offal for cats is extremely rich in nutrients and controls theBARFtherefore numerous, valuablevitaminsandmineralswhich are crucial for a diet that meets the needs – regardless of whether it is about feeding a cuddly house cat or a wild outdoor cat. In addition, offal is a good and above all natural source of animal protein for cats, which is particularly important forBARFing of catsmakes up a large part of the diet, at around 95 percent. At the same time, offal for cats is relatively low in calories and fat. Therefore, offal for cats ideally covers around 10 percent of the total feeding amount.

BARF offal: horse, beef, poultry, rabbit, goat or lamb

BARF offal can be found inBARF shopfromhaustierkost.dein a wide range of differentprey animalsWe offer BARF offal either fromHorse,beef,rabbit,lamb, of theGoatas well as variouspoultry-Animals such as chickens, turkeys or ducks. In addition to the prey animals, the type of BARF offal itself is just as variable and diverse: From the heart to the kidney, liver and stomach to the lungs, there is something for every need and taste. Withrumen and omasumWe even have very special BARF offal in our range, which score particularly well with their high content of pre- and probiotic cultures and can therefore have a positive effect on the intestinal flora of domestic cats. Poultry hearts also play an important role in connection with offal for cats, because they are extremely rich in taurine, an amino acid that is vital for cats and should therefore definitely be included in the food.

BARF for cats – what else is included?

When BARFing cats, it is therefore important to ensure that there is a sufficient amount of offal on the menu – regardless of whether it is fed diced, whole or minced. In addition to the offal, themuscle meatcertainly makes up the largest share of BARF for cats, especially with regard to the animal component of feeding. In addition,blooda considerable amount of valuable nutrients such asvitaminsandmineralswith BARF for cats. Also consider the plant component, which only accounts for about five percent of our carnivores and is in the form of pureedfruit and vegetablesor ascat flakescan be contributed.