Chicken Complete Extra

  • Main ingredient of every raw and home-cooked ration
  • important source of protein
  • easily digestible even for small or old dogs and cats
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5,86€ /kg
Tax included & shipping
1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit
+3 Guthaben-Punkte

Chicken Complete Extra, 500 g

Complete chicken with offal (without intestines, head, fur and claws). 100% natural ratio. The carcass (bone) contained in Chicken Complete Extra serves as a natural source of calcium. Suitable for all healthy dogs of all ages.

Due to the ingredients, the item may vary greatly in color and smell; this is completely natural and does not affect the quality.

Composition & Ingredients

Chicken with carcass and offal

Fettgehalt 16.0%
Feuchtigkeit 66.0%
Rohprotein 14.8%
Rohfaser 0%
Rohasche 2.0%
Feeding & Storage
  • TK goods meat frozen dog
Important NOTE