BARF guide from®
In our BARF guide you will find lots of useful information about BARF: How do dogs and cats tolerate BARF? Which BARF meat can I feed or mix? Can I give my pet bones? We answer these and many other questions in the BARF guide from Haustierkost. There are also exciting recipe ideas, advice on BARFing on vacation and tips and tricks on BARFing. Finally, in our BARF wiki we explain the most important terms related to BARFing.
BARF for Beginners with Cats
BARFing for beginners is associated with a few tips for cats. In order to feed your house cat naturally and...
Cat doesn't eat anymore - this is what you can do -
Your cat has stopped eating - there can be many harmless but also serious reasons for this. In any case,...
Cat in summer: The right amount to drink -
Every cat owner worries at some point during the hot months whether their pet is drinking enough. This is not...
World Cat Day: International Cat Day -
Did you know? World Cat Day is just around the corner! That's right, August 8th is International Cat Day. A...
Leaving cats at home on vacation: Tips & Tricks -
The holiday season is here: some people head to the mountains to go hiking and others long for the sea....
Paw care for cats: tips & tricks -
Healthy cats take care of their paws themselves. However, old and sick cats or outdoor cats may no longer be...