BARF guide from®
In our BARF guide you will find lots of useful information about BARF: How do dogs and cats tolerate BARF? Which BARF meat can I feed or mix? Can I give my pet bones? We answer these and many other questions in the BARF guide from Haustierkost. There are also exciting recipe ideas, advice on BARFing on vacation and tips and tricks on BARFing. Finally, in our BARF wiki we explain the most important terms related to BARFing.
Das richtige Obst- und Gemüseverhältnis beim BARFEN
Beim BARFen spielen neben Fleisch, Innereien und Knochen auch pflanzliche Bestandteile eine wichtige Rolle. Obst und Gemüse liefern essenzielle Vitamine,...
BARF with individual components
Find out everything about BARF with individual components: Get initial instructions for putting together the animal and plant components.
Avoid BARF mistakes: What your dog needs – and what it doesn't -
One of the biggest and most common BARF mistakes that we regularly see is the one-sided feeding of meat types...
BARF Fruit & Vegetables for Dogs: BARF Feeding
Fruit and vegetables for dogs are generally the second most important and second largest part of your four-legged friend's BARF...
BARF: Feeding puppies biologically and species-appropriately -
From the right start of the BARF diet to the correct division of portions for your dog – what does...
Short vacation with dog: BARF when traveling? -
A short vacation with your dog is sometimes just the thing when your owner and your pet are ready for...
Cool down your dog with dog ice cream and co. -
Cooling down the dog is a challenge for many owners in summer, because it is not just us humans who...
Training sausage for dogs: Training with treats -
Training sausage for dogs makes a training session complete! Regardless of whether it is about learning basic commands, walking on...
Chestnuts, a danger for dogs -
With autumn, the last warm rays of sunshine and the forests covered in leaves, nature invites you to take a...