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Cat doesn't eat anymore - this is what you can do -

Cat doesn't eat anymore - this is what you can do -

Cat doesn't eat anymore: this could be the reason

Your cat has stopped eating - there can be many harmless but also serious reasons for this. In any case, observe your animal carefully. If your cat suddenly shows major changes in behavior or personality, this, in conjunction with the refusal to eat, can indicate an illness. In the following lines, we will show you what you can do if your cat is not eating.

Cat stops eating – what you can do

The cat has stopped eating? This is not a cause for concern, but it should not be ignored. Cats are generally very picky about what they eat - much more so than dogs, for example. Cats are creatures of habit and react to even the smallest changes - for example, if the food smells unusual or is unfamiliar. On the other hand, changes in living conditions or stress can easily lead to the cat not feeling well when eating. If your cat has just caught an upset stomach, refusing food is a kind of protective reflex.

As a rule, a short-term stop in food intake is no reason to worry. Try to (re-)establish familiar patterns or encourage your animal to eat with small extra morsels, such as fresh fish or poultry . Strong, familiar smells often make the food more attractive.

Signs of illness can be present if, in addition to refusing to eat, there are changes in behavior or personality. If an outdoor cat no longer leaves the house or a trusting animal avoids people, this can indicate illness. Physical signs are also often present - bad breath, frequent vomiting, diarrhea and weight loss are symptoms that can occur in connection with various illnesses.

Cat doesn't eat: how to help your cat

As already mentioned, you can first try to make the food more palatable to your cat by giving it treats or small extra pieces of meat. A change in diet can also help older animals, for example to products that are particularly gentle on the kidneys or liver, because the body's needs change with age. There are various supportive products for digestion, kidneys, heart and circulation that can help with a BARF diet. If the condition persists for a longer period of time or the cat shows symptoms of illness, you should visit a vet. Your animal should be checked over - especially with regard to dental problems or injuries in the mouth and throat. Blood or stool tests also help with the diagnosis if there is no obvious impairment.

Conclusion: Cat doesn’t eat anymore – what to do?

If your cat has stopped eating, this is initially a fairly unspecific matter. A bad mood can be the reason, as can psychological or physical suffering (stress, illness). In any case, you should observe your cat's behavior closely and take appropriate steps. A visit to the vet can help to discover the cause of the refusal to eat or at least rule out some causes. However, you should only introduce completely new types of meat or a change in diet to your cat, a creature of habit, once the reason for the previous hesitation has been clarified.

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