BARF Comfort PLUS CAT Chicken

  • BARF complete menu with valuable ingredients
  • fresh animal ingredients as well as fruit and vegetables
  • no artificial additives
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9,20€ /kg
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1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit
+3 Guthaben-Punkte

BARF Comfort PLUS CAT Chicken, 250 g

BARF Komfort PLUS CAT is the right choice for all cat lovers who do not always find the time to prepare every meal themselves and still want to feed their cats raw food in a species-appropriate manner.

The basis for our mixture is chicken meat, heart and stomach, plus carrots, chicken liver (a natural source of vitamin A), rounded off with salmon oil (rich in omega-3 fatty acids). We achieve the desired calcium-phosphorus ratio by adding eggshells and algae lime. Our product also contains brewer's yeast, seaweed meal, malt germs and extracted grape seeds, as well as taurine, which is vital for cats.

Composition & Ingredients

81% chicken meat, 5% chicken stomach, 5.5% chicken hearts, 3% chicken lives, 3% carrots, 0.5% salmon oil, 2% powder (brewer's yeast, eggshell, algae lime, seaweed meal, malt germs, grape seeds extracted)

Fettgehalt 15.2%
Feuchtigkeit 64.0%
Rohprotein 15.5%
Rohfaser 0.25%
Rohasche 1.6%
Feeding & Storage

About 3 - 3.5% of the cat's body weight per day. This is a non-binding guideline. The exact amount of food depends on the animal's age, breed and activity level. Weigh the cat regularly at the beginning and adjust the amount of food accordingly.

Important NOTE