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Dogs and cats are naturally susceptible to ticks. Our pets often spend time in forests, tall grasses or in our own gardens, and inadvertently pick up parasites. Ticks are a relatively common souvenir for dogs and cats, as the small creatures get caught in the fur of your four-legged friends and then move to the skin. If they find a warm place, they bite - and can therefore become a danger.

When ticks come into contact with dogs and cats, a bite can transmit various diseases. These include Lyme disease, tick-borne encephalitis (TBE), anaplasmosis and ehrlichiosis. TBE and Lyme disease are also dangerous for humans.

To remove a tick from a dog or cat, the first thing to do is to search for it. Around 75 percent of the parasites settle on the head, where they are relatively easy to see on the ears, eyes, etc. You should examine your pets' bodies a little more closely. If you find a tick, it is best to use special tick tweezers, a tick card or a tick hook. Be careful not to crush the parasite and remove it along with the head and biting tools.

To keep ticks away from dogs and cats, you can use our organic ZeckEx oil , for example, of which you simply mix a few milliliters into the BARF . As an alternative, we offer ZeckEx SpotOn , of which you massage a drop into the fur every day.


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