Obesity in dogs and cats is a serious issue, as numerous secondary diseases can arise from so-called obesity. Dogs are considered overweight when they exceed about ten percent of their normal body weight. So if your dog's ideal weight is ten kilograms, it is considered overweight if it weighs eleven kilograms or more. Your cat is overweight if it exceeds 15 or 20 percent. So a cat weighing four kilograms is considered overweight if it has an additional 600 grams. As a result of obesity, dogs and cats are more susceptible to diseases such as diabetes and arthritis, which manifest themselves in a similar way to humans.
To help your dogs and cats get rid of excess weight, you can change the BARF diet a little. For BARF meat, low-fat varieties such as rabbit, horse and poultry are recommended. You can also focus on fruit and vegetables . This way, you can feed your four-legged friend important vitamins and at the same time choose low-calorie and high-fiber varieties.
Exercise is also important for overweight dogs and cats. You can encourage your dog to exercise when you go for a walk, while you should encourage your cat to play. The first results should be visible after about four weeks. If you have the feeling that the situation is not improving, contact a vet. For a balanced diet, we also recommend our BARF calculator so that your pets stay at their normal weight.