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BARF: Meaning

BARF: Meaning

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The meaning of BARF is hidden behind the four letters of the acronym. With biologically appropriate raw meat feeding or raw meat food (English: Bones And Raw Food), carnivorous pets are fed exclusively raw meat and bones , some fruit and vegetables , as well as vitamins , oils and minerals . The idea behind it is that animals consume their food according to their ancestry. Just as wolves used to eat raw meat, the bodies of their closest relatives, dogs , are still used to being fed raw meat. They are fed accordingly. In addition to dogs, BARF is also becoming increasingly important for cats and ferrets .

BARF yourself

With BARF, pet owners gain full control over the food their four-legged companions eat. While traditional canned food often mixes ingredients in an opaque way, with BARF, pets are given raw meat such as beef , poultry , horse , lamb , fish and much more, clearly separated. You add supplements yourself in individual amounts. This way, owners can put together the right food for their animals.

If you have any further questions about the meaning of BARF, please feel free to ask at . We offer help , a BARF calculator and, of course, species-appropriate food for your favorite animals.

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