With the exclusion diet for dogs and cats, you can gradually eliminate intolerances and allergies in your pets. Just like humans, our four-legged companions react allergically to certain foods. The triggers are often proteins from certain types of meat, various grains, soy or milk proteins. These cause various symptoms such as itching, hair loss, flatulence, vomiting or diarrhea. In order to identify the trigger of these symptoms, an exclusion diet for dogs and cats is recommended.
With the exclusion diet, you feed your animal for several weeks only food that it has never eaten before, for example horse , goat or offal . This ensures that the allergic reactions slowly subside, which can take between four and six weeks. Only after you have stuck strictly to the new food do you provoke reactions to the old food. To do this, go through the already known types of meat one after the other. If your pet reacts, go back to your alternative and wait a few days before trying the next type. In this way, the exclusion diet for cats and dogs helps you to identify the triggers of intolerances and allergies.
With BARF to the exclusion diet
BARF is a good option for an exclusion diet for dogs and cats. In addition to traditional foods, raw food often includes "exotic" foods such as horse and goat. In addition, BARF naturally focuses on vitamins , oils and minerals to supplement the food without affecting the exclusion diet for cats and dogs. The clear separation of different proteins, such as beef and poultry, also helps to identify the triggers of intolerances. If your pets react to grains or soy, BARF is a sensible long-term alternative. If you have any further questions about the exclusion diet for dogs and cats, take a look at our FAQs or contact us directly.