BARF Komfort PLUS Christmas Duck, 500 g

  • Barf Komplettmenü
  • Besonderes Festtagsrezept
  • Mit saisonalem Gemüse
3,99 €
Out of stock
7,98 € / kg
Tax included & shipping
Art.-No.: 5107
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Supplementary feed for dogs

Let your four-legged friend enjoy the holidays to the fullest with our festive Christmas menu for dogs. Prepared with tender Christmas duck and seasonal vegetables such as fruity cranberries and nutrient-rich beetroot, this meal not only offers a special taste experience, but also valuable nutrients. Pamper your four-legged friend and make the holidays a very special treat for him!
Composition & Ingredients
Ente: 15 % Entenkarkassen, 35 % Entenhälse, 10,5 % Entenmägen, 20 % Entenherzen, 11 % Karotte, 4 % Rote Beete, 2 % Preiselbeere, 1,5 % Leinöl, 1 % (Algenkalk, Bierhefe, Traubenkernmehl, Seealgenmehl, Brennnessel, Brombeerblätter, Löwenzahn, Kamille, Mariendistel)
moisture 70.2%
crude ash 3.04%
crude fiber 1.87%
crude fat 13.12%
crude protein 12.09%
Feeding & Storage
  • Ready-made barf
Important NOTE