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Pure meat cans
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Meat & fish in large pieces
Tripe & omasum
Dried meat
Blood & Fat
Bones & Cartilage
Fruit Vegetable
Smoothies & Dog Ice Cream
Flakes & Dog Noodles
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Freeze-dried chews
Dried chews
Chewing sticks
Dog sausage & training sausage
Treats & Dog Biscuits
Dried meat
leicht portionierbar
Feinstes aus Finnland
Fleisch & Fisch in großen Stücken
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Kauartikel tiefgefroren
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Kauartikel getrocknet
Hundewurst & Trainingswurst
Leckerlis & Hundekekse
After all, the wolf ingests muscle meat, innards, bones and cartilage from its prey, as well as plant components from the stomach contents of the prey. Therefore, vegetable flakes for dogs from our BARF online shop are a species-appropriate and sensible addition to the animal portion of your animal's diet. On the one hand, the plant fibers and roughage they contain can loosen up your animal's stool and thus contribute to digestion, and on the other hand, our vegetable flakes for dogs simply provide flavor variety in the food bowl.
Vegetable flakes for your dog can be found athaustierkost.dein a wide selection, so that there is something for every four-legged friend, no matter whether for adult dogs, puppies or allergy sufferers. From fruit and vegetable mixes withherbs for dogsWe offer you a wide range of products, from pure fruit mixes and pure vegetable shreds to cereal flakes. If required, you can also choose carotene-free or gluten-free vegetable flakes for dogs. All products are also free from genetic engineering, but rich in natural nutrients such asvitamins for dogsandMinerals for DogsThese can have a positive effect on joints and bones, fur and skin, digestion, kidneys, heart and circulation as well as on the general well-being of your animal.
Basically, our vegetable flakes for dogs are intended as a supplementary feed that should make up 20 to 30 percent of your pet's food. All vegetable flakes can be easily added to theBARF fresh meat, demReady-made BARF for dogsMix in or simply feed it pure. Depending on the type, pour warm water over the flakes and allow them to swell for around ten to 20 minutes before feeding.
Vegetable flakes are not for your dog? Then try our dietary fiber. These can be used specifically for weight reduction in overweight dogs, as the feed cellulose they contain triggers a pleasant feeling of satiety due to its relatively large volume, although only a few calories are consumed. Another advantage is that they are tasteless. This means that they are often accepted by picky four-legged friends who reject other vegetable flakes for dogs. In addition to dietary fiber, you can also use amaranth, millet and rice flakes in exclusion diets to determine allergies or other types of intolerance in sensitive animals.
Also discover the vegetable flakes for dogs from our extensive organic range and rely on the controlled organic cultivation of ourorganic dog flakesaccording to DE-ÖKO-001 and -006 certification.
*incl. VAT & plus shipping
** free standard shipping from 50 euros
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