Payment methods at

In principle, this payment method is available to all customers (credit check in accordance with the privacy policy). However, we reserve the right to request payment in advance if necessary.

The invoice amount is due within 8 days of receipt of the invoice. In accordance with Section 286 Paragraph III of the German Civil Code (BGB), we would like to point out that, even without a reminder, default occurs automatically if the invoice amount is not paid within 30 days of the due date and receipt.

Please transfer the invoice amount to our account, stating the invoice and customer number:
Account holder: VISIONISTAS GmbH
Credit institution: Kreissparkasse Düsseldorf
IBAN: DE44 3015 0200 0002 1234 38

You can conveniently pay with PayPal and the goods will be shipped immediately.

KLARNA offers a TÜV-certified online payment system based on proven online banking with PIN/TAN entry for secure and fast processing of your online purchases.

You pay conveniently with VISA or MasterCard, and the goods are shipped immediately. If your credit card is activated for 3D Secure (Verified by Visa or MasterCard SecureCode), you will be redirected to your bank's security query during the payment process.