BARF guide from®
In our BARF guide you will find lots of useful information about BARF: How do dogs and cats tolerate BARF? Which BARF meat can I feed or mix? Can I give my pet bones? We answer these and many other questions in the BARF guide from Haustierkost. There are also exciting recipe ideas, advice on BARFing on vacation and tips and tricks on BARFing. Finally, in our BARF wiki we explain the most important terms related to BARFing.
udder and BARF
The udder is in demand in BARF because of its high fat content. This makes the udder suitable for weight...
supplementary feed
With a supplementary feed for dogs or cats, you can cover a large part of your animal's daily food and...
feed materials
Single feeds are very popular in the BARF shop. Whether it's beef heart or roast beef - with a single...
unbalanced diet
A one-sided diet can lead to problems for cats and dogs in the long term. A one-sided diet is when...
Eggshell flour
Eggshell flour provides your dog and cat with additional calcium. As the name suggests, eggshell flour is crushed, dried eggshells....