Chicken meat extra finely minced

  • Main ingredient of every raw and home-cooked ration
  • important source of protein
  • easily digestible even for small or old dogs and cats
3,45 €
Auf Lager
6,90€ /kg
Tax included & shipping
Art Nr.#: 2608
1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit
+4 Guthaben-Punkte

Minced chicken, 500 g

Chicken meat is a relatively low-fat source of protein and is therefore suitable for many dogs and cats of all ages who tend to be overweight.

Composition & Ingredients

Chicken breast

Fettgehalt 5%
Feuchtigkeit 71%
Rohprotein 22%
Feeding & Storage
  • TK goods meat frozen dog
  • Frozen meat cat
Important NOTE