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Tea for dogs: Which tea can my dog ​​tolerate? -

Tea for dogs: Which tea can my dog ​​tolerate? -

Tea for dogs has been an increasingly popular topic for some time. However, due to the special physiology of our loyal companions, different rules apply than for us humans, which is why dogs cannot drink just any tea. Read this article to find out which tea is suitable for dogs and how tea can help your dog.

Tea for dogs: Which teas are suitable?

Herbal teas are particularly suitable as tea for dogs. Teas made from the leaves of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis), on the other hand, are not tolerated by dogs. The reason for this is that the tea plant also contains caffeine. This substance, which is actually harmless to humans in a cup of tea, is toxic to dogs even in small quantities, which excludes many popular types of tea, such as black tea, green tea, white tea, yellow tea and oolong, from the range of teas for dogs. You should also be careful with teas that contain flavorings, sugar or other additives, because many of these additives are also not tolerated by dogs. It is therefore best to use 100 percent pure herbal tea or to get the herbs yourself - for example in organic quality from the supermarket or pharmaceutical quality from the pharmacy.

Chamomile tea and fennel tea are very good to prepare for dogs. Chamomile tea is said to calm the stomach and have a positive effect on vomiting and diarrhea. In addition, the infusion with chamomile flowers is said to have anti-inflammatory properties. Fennel tea, which is brewed from the small seeds of the fennel, also has an excellent reputation for treating various ailments. Fennel tea is said to have a calming and antispasmodic effect on dogs and to help against flatulence, diarrhea or stomach ache. Fennel tea can also have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and appetite-stimulating properties. Most other herbal teas, such as lemon balm tea, rose hip tea and sage tea, are also generally well tolerated by dogs.

Preparation and quantities

If you are trying tea for dogs for the first time, you should start with smaller amounts to make sure that the animal accepts and tolerates the new refreshment well. Simply pour hot water over the herbs and let them steep for a few minutes. Once you have removed the herbs, make sure to let the tea cool completely so that your dog cannot burn itself. Of course, you can also try the tea and dilute it with water if necessary. Freshly brewed tea will keep in the fridge for about two to three days.

Do dogs even like tea?

While some dogs accept tea from the start, others spurn the liquid - at least in its pure form. If your dog absolutely does not want to drink the tea, a little honey can help to sweeten it. Alternatively, you can add small amounts of tea to the BARF meat to get your dog used to the taste. Later, you can try again to encourage your animal to drink from the bowl. By the way: Of course, your dog should continue to be given normal water in addition to the tea. Tea should not be a daily drink for dogs anyway, but should only be used sporadically for the purposes mentioned above. If symptoms of illness persist for a longer period of time, there is no alternative to visiting your trusted veterinary practice.

Does your dog like tea as a supplement to his BARF dog food ? In our BARF shop you can get all the products you need for BARF.

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