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Dog weather or dog weather? -

Dog weather or dog weather? -

When you think of autumn, you immediately think of the colorful leaves and the golden autumn sun. Unfortunately, autumn also has its downsides. Rainy weather, wetness and cold dominate some days. Perhaps you also know the saying "Autumn with its dog weather." But where does the saying actually come from and what does the dog have to do with bad weather? You can find out what dog weather is all about and where the term gets its meaning from in our guide article. 


  • Hundewetter Origin 
  • dog weather meaning

Hundewetter Origin 

First of all, the question arises as to where the word “dog days”, “dog weather” or the phrase “dog days” actually comes from. 

Starting with the dog days, the origins probably lie in the Roman Empire. Contrary to what one might assume, the dog days do not refer to our dogs, but to the constellation "Great Dog." 

It takes about 30 to 31 days from the rising of the first star, Sirius, until the constellation is fully visible. In the past, a connection was drawn between the dog days and the constellation of Canis Major and the summer heat. 

If, however, the Egyptians saw the star Sirius rising in the sky, heavy rain was expected. The constellation was therefore of great importance to humanity. In the Roman Empire, it was associated with summer time, but for the Egyptians it meant that with the complete constellation, the danger of heavy rain was over. 

Now for the dog weather, this probably comes from the English saying "It's raining cats and dogs." Which is clearly not associated with hot summer days, because according to the British saying, dogs and cats fly through the air when the wind is strong. 

dog weather meaning 

Dog weather is often associated with lousy weather, i.e. simply bad weather that is perceived as unpleasant. But opinions differ here too. For some, the weather is bad even if it drizzles a little, while others are weatherproof and don't let the pouring rain spoil their mood. This is also the case with our dogs. Some dogs hardly want to go outside in rainy temperatures and are happy when they can retreat into a warm basket. Other dogs, on the other hand, enjoy rainy days that bring dirt and mud. In fact, some dogs seem to have a lot of fun rolling around in the mud. Dog weather, which many dog ​​owners find unpleasant, can be a real joy for many four-legged friends.  

Whether the dog weather can be described as really bad weather remains questionable. In general, the dog weather or the dog days do not seem to have any close connection to our dogs. 

So if the weather does turn bad, we should make the best of the situation with our four-legged friends, because after rain comes sunshine, as we all know. 



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