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Grain-free food for dogs and cats when BARFing -

Grain-free food for dogs and cats when BARFing -

Grain-free food is a completely natural part of the BARF philosophy, i.e. biologically appropriate raw feeding. The focus on raw animal components and a smaller plant-based portion from fruit and vegetables ensures that the vast majority of animals on a BARF diet do not come into contact with grain at all (anymore). Although grain-free dog food and cat food are also available in the form of special dry and wet food, most of these products still contain a certain (and sometimes quite high) amount of grain. The reason: grain is a cost-effective filler - for the food packaging and your animal's stomach. However, the nutritional gain for your dog or cat is almost zero.

Why feed grain-free dog and cat food?

Grain-free dog food and cat food is particularly recommended for two reasons. Firstly, neither dogs nor cats need grain in their food rations - in fact, grain in the food only increases the amount of excrement that remains at the end of the digestive process, because grain tends to be rather indigestible. Only in active or physically demanding dogs can the intake of grain lead to a short-term energy supply through the absorption of the carbohydrates it contains. For both dogs and cats, grain can fulfill the role of a fiber supplier, but this is also contained in other foods. So there is no argument for regularly adding grain, especially since grain is also considered to be fattening.

The second argument against grain in the feed mix has to do with the issue of feed intolerances. Grain is actually known to trigger intolerances. It is suspected that a high gluten content in the food is the basis for the physical reaction. Common symptoms are itching, flatulence or more frequent bowel movements.

Grain-free dog food and cat food: special products or just BARF?

Various suppliers now offer grain-free dog food and cat food in a wide range of flavors. At you can also get grain-free dry food , which is of course manufactured according to the high standards of all our products. It is particularly suitable for animals with food intolerances or on vacation when, for example, you have no way of storing fresh meat or organic meat in cans .

With BARF, however, you can be sure that only what you have put together yourself will end up in the bowl. You can focus entirely on the needs of your animal without having to compromise. You also have the option of introducing and maintaining greater variation - depending on what your animal likes and tolerates. This means you can feed your dog or cat a completely grain-free diet without having to resort to special food.

The dog food and cat food without grain, which combines the absence of fillers with maximum freedom in the composition of the food, is BARF - even if there are now special solutions for dry food without grain. In our BARF shop you can get a wide variety of products, from meat and offal to fruit and vegetable mixes, which are particularly needed by dogs.

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