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BARF for beginners: feeding dogs properly -

BARF for beginners: feeding dogs properly -

BARF for beginners is easy to implement with dogs. Since our domestic dogs are descended from wolves, they are also carnivores. This means that both their stomach and their entire digestive system are optimally adapted to meat as food. This form of feeding is therefore considered particularly species-appropriate. With the tips and tricks from, BARF for dogs is very easy, even for beginners.

BARF with Dog – Instructions for Beginners

When BARFing for beginners with dogs, it is important to first get an overview of the individual elements of a balanced diet. Orient yourself on the prey eaten by wolves: These consist mainly of muscle meat and innards. The wolf also consumes fruit and vegetables as well as pre-digested grains through the stomach contents of the prey. In addition to bones, cartilage and oils, these plant components should also be covered when feeding your four-legged friend. When BARFing with dogs, we advise beginners to start with a mix of 70 percent animal content and 30 percent fruit and vegetables.

A big advantage of BARF for beginners and dogs is that you can respond to the specific needs of your animal in a very individual way: Do you have a senior or a puppy? Is your four-legged friend big or small? Does he have allergies and intolerances? Does he get exercise or do you take him on leisurely walks? You can take all of these factors into account when BARFing and thus find the ideal diet for your dog. For beginners, we recommend consulting a certified nutritionist who will help you put together a diet plan that is optimally tailored to your pet. Alternatively, consult our BARF calculator .

BARF: Dogs like it

When BARFing your dog, beginners have a choice: From beef for dogs to raw poultry for dogs , as well as horse, lamb and fish, to game, rabbit or goat, you can choose from a wide range of different types of fresh meat for dogs exactly the one that your dog likes best. Try it out together, offer him a varied diet and keep putting new mixtures in his bowl. This way you cover a wide range of different nutrients at the same time and your dog has fun eating.

BARF with your dog – easy even for beginners

Basically, one thing is clear: BARFing is easy for beginners to establish with dogs. However, be patient with your four-legged friend, especially at the beginning: observe how he likes the new food, which types of meat he particularly likes to eat, how his digestion reacts and how his general well-being is. At the beginning, you can use our ready-made BARF or our special packages . This makes BARFing even easier for beginners with dogs! For example, we offer a starter set for adult dogs , with which you can successfully start raw feeding.

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