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Purine is a natural component of many foods because it is part of the cell nucleus in the food. Cell-rich foods such as offal in particular contain large amounts of purine. Your dog usually converts the purine into uric acid and allantoin. However, there are genetic defects (common in Dalmatians) or diseases such as leishmaniasis or gout that disrupt the conversion. This increases the uric acid level, which can lead to illness. This is why many vets recommend a low-purine diet for dogs.

BARF as a low-purine diet for dogs

Low-purine meat for dogs means first and foremost avoiding offal, so plan the diet around it. To save on purine, BARF for dogs is recommended, as the amounts and proportions can be clearly regulated. You can order poultry and fish in particular from the BARF shop and serve them as low-purine meat for dogs. Muscle meat is preferably recommended for beef . Supplements are also important, and are also offered separately in the BARF shop. Fruit and vegetables help to satisfy your four-legged friend without containing too much purine. To prevent possible deficiency symptoms, also pay attention to vitamins, oils and minerals. These balance out the supply of vitamins A and D, for example, which are contained in offal. If you have any questions about purine or low-purine meat for dogs, please feel free to contact us. We will help you.

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