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BARF and renal insufficiency

BARF and renal insufficiency

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Respond to kidney failure with BARF ? That may sound a bit too ambitious at first, but it is actually common practice with dogs. Ultimately, kidney problems and the resulting consequences lead to a change in the ability to absorb nutrients. BARF is a quick and efficient way to respond to kidney failure, as you can put together the ingredients yourself and place particular emphasis on certain foods.

First, the type of kidney failure must be determined. This can be acute or chronic. In acute kidney failure, damage to the kidney tissue occurs, which is compensated for by the healthy parts of the kidney. This causes an overload of the remaining kidneys, so that substances that must be excreted remain in the body. This can lead to vomiting, loss of appetite, apathy, cramps and a change in urine output. In cases of kidney failure, BARF can often only be fed through a tube, so it is temporarily less of a focus in acute cases. Nevertheless, a BARF kidney diet can help if your four-legged friend is on the road to recovery. Acute kidney failure can only be completely cured by treatment by a veterinarian.

BARF is more of a focus in cases of chronic renal insufficiency. Here, too, substances that are excreted in the urine remain in the body. Electrolytes and nutrients are less well absorbed, the formation of red blood cells is reduced, high blood pressure develops and a vitamin D deficiency occurs. You can counteract many physical reactions with BARF dog food , for example by using more fiber, using BARF meat that is as low in fat as possible or feeding already processed vitamin D. BARF is therefore a helpful companion in cases of renal insufficiency.

Treatment and communication with a veterinary practice remain the main priority. You should also have regular check-ups to check your dog's kidneys. Unfortunately, dogs are very susceptible to kidney disease.

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