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Dietary supplements

Dietary supplements

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You can support your animal with nutritional supplements if changes in its coat and skin occur or if you notice changes in its character and behavior. Before you add any food supplements, discuss this with a veterinarian or animal nutritionist and work together to create an individual feeding plan tailored to your animal's needs.

Nutritional supplements for your pet include oils , vitamins and minerals . But why do we give our animals nutritional supplements?

Starting with oil: Oil is an important source of essential nutrients for dogs and an energy booster that cannot be done without. Oils provide dogs with important vitamins such as vitamins A, D, E and K. They also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Essential fatty acids are crucial for dogs and cats because the body cannot produce them itself. Omega-3 oil, for example, supports the heart, skin, nervous system and musculoskeletal system.

Mineral supplements also help to ensure that the diet meets the animal's needs. These contain valuable trace elements such as minerals, vitamins and taurine. Cats, for example, have very low levels of taurine synthesis, so valuable minerals should be added.

Vitamins also sometimes need to be added. Some animals have an increased need for them due to stress, illness or their advanced age. Important vitamins for dogs are: Vitamin B9 (cell division and growth), B12 (metabolism), D3 (absorption in the intestine), A (vision) and E (pregnancy and growth).

For cats, however, vitamin C (metabolism and immune system), vitamin B group (metabolism and skin), vitamin D (cooking and teeth), vitamin A (Au

genes and muscle building), vitamin E (cell protection) and vitamin K (blood clotting) are vital.

Accordingly, we give our animals nutritional supplements in the form of oils and minerals to support and promote the general well-being of our animals in the long term.

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