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FORL is the name given to feline odontoclastic resorptive lesion in cats. Since it is the most common dental disease in four-legged animals - around 40 percent of house cats live with FORL - tooth decay in cats is often used as a synonym. However, tooth decay in cats does not really exist, since this disease is only caused by an excess of crystal sugar, which is practically impossible for cats. Instead, FORL spreads in cats. This autoimmune disease leads to a malfunction of the organism. This causes the hard tooth substance to be lost, which in turn causes damage to teeth and jaw bones. Teeth often begin to splinter, which leads to open wounds and inflammation in the mouth.

You can recognize FORL in cats by symptoms such as a lack of appetite or particularly hasty eating, bad breath, increased salivation, dropping food and teeth grinding. In order to counteract the disease, dental care of cats is important. You can get involved in this yourself with BARF . Our cat treats, for example, contribute to natural tooth cleaning thanks to their hard consistency and roughly remove plaque from the teeth, thus counteracting the formation of tartar. In addition, the gums are massaged and the chewing muscles are strengthened.

Before your cat shows the first symptoms of FORL, we recommend that you visit a veterinary practice. Here you can have tartar removed and the teeth examined. This way you can counteract a potential disease at an early stage.



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