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Bach flowers

Bach flowers

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You can give Bach flowers to cats and dogs as a supplementary food. The feel-good globules are said to have a calming effect on four-legged friends. The name comes from the scientist Edward Bach, who lived from 1886 to 1936 and invented the so-called Bach flower therapy for humans. Bach flowers for dogs and cats are now mixed together using the same principle.

According to Bach, there are 38 different plants that have a positive influence on the state of mind. In our BARF shop you will find a Bach flower mixture that uses aspen, cherry plum, rock rose and yellow clown flower. The AniForte ® Bach flower well-being uses natural, plant-based ingredients that are mixed together according to a traditional recipe. The Bach flowers are carefully applied by hand to the sugar beads for cats and dogs. The company works closely with veterinarians and animal healers to create the best possible product for your four-legged friends.

The advantage of Bach flowers for cats and dogs is that there are no known side effects. You can therefore dissolve around three to four globules in water and add them to the food. Repeat this process three to six times a day. If your animal is suffering from any symptoms, we recommend that you visit a veterinarian.

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