Proteins are vital for dogs and cats and are contained in correspondingly high quantities in BARF dog food and cat food. The proteins are known as proteins and are made up of so-called amino acids. The amino acids form chains in the body of animals and humans, which are called proteins when they are 100 amino acids long or longer. For dogs and cats, these chains fulfill numerous functions. For example, proteins for dogs and cats work to build muscle and contract muscles. This makes them essential for the movements of our four-legged friends. You may know another protein that influences the structure of cells under the name of collagen. The more collagen there is in the body, the shinier the fur appears.
Diet is very important to ensure that dogs and cats have enough protein. The protein content in BARF meat is usually around 20 percent. Cats also find omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids in fish . These are essential amino acids that the cat's body cannot produce itself. When BARFing your cat , you will always find the necessary information on proteins and fatty acids in the BARF shop . BARFing your dog is also made easier by our BARF calculator , which calculates the ideal meat content for your four-legged friend.