Code of Conduct, 2021

Code of Conduct

VISIONISTAS GmbH, The Nutriment Company and our guidelines.

VISIONISTAS GmbH has been part of The Nutriment Company ("TNC"), Europe's leading provider of natural premium pet food, since 2016. Our Code of Conduct is closely linked to the values ​​that guide all TNC employees and thus all VISIONISTAS GmbH employees. These values ​​are:

Innovation: We are entrepreneurs – we value original thinking and are always looking for a better way, unaffected by how things have been done before.

Authenticity : We work, communicate and act with authenticity and integrity. We believe in transparency and respect towards our colleagues, our customers and all pets.

Quality: We strive for the best ingredients, processes and infrastructure necessary to reliably deliver safe and well-tolerated products to our customers and their animals.

Care: We act with care, compassion and respect for everyone who works with, purchases and enjoys our products. Just as our pets are part of our families, so are theirs.

One team: We inspire each other to achieve great things, we appreciate each other for the work we do, and we support each other as we grow. We are The Nutriment Company.

Obligations of VISIONISTAS GmbH

The VISIONISTAS GmbH Code of Conduct is based on leading global authorities such as the UN Declaration of Human Rights, the ILO Declaration on Fundamental Rights at Work, the UN Convention against Corruption and the RIO Declaration on Environment and Development.

VISIONISTAS GmbH will take disciplinary action against persons who violate the Code of Conduct and, in the event of violations of laws and regulations, reports will be filed with the relevant authorities.

Respect for people and human rights

VISIONISTAS GmbH respects fundamental human rights and complies with laws and regulations

  • VISIONISTAS GmbH respects the UN conventions on human rights and accepts the responsibility we have towards our employees and the environment in which we operate.
  • VISIONISTAS GmbH complies with the laws and regulations applicable in the countries in which it operates.

VISIONISTAS GmbH offers its employees fair and appropriate working conditions

  • VISIONISTAS GmbH strives to attract, promote and retain qualified and motivated employees.
  • Employees should be offered a safe and healthy working environment, which VISIONISTAS GmbH continuously strives to improve.
  • The employment conditions offered to employees must comply with the minimum requirements in national laws and/or collective agreements as well as the relevant ILO conventions. VISIONISTAS GmbH strives to pay fair salaries and remuneration in accordance with the relevant standards at the locations where the group operates.

VISIONISTAS GmbH rejects child and forced labor

  • VISIONISTAS GmbH does not employ any persons under the age of 16 or an applicable higher legal minimum age.
  • VISIONISTAS GmbH does not accept forced labor, slave labor or other forms of involuntary labor in its workplaces.
  • VISIONISTAS GmbH offers equal opportunities to all people, regardless of skin color, gender, nationality, religion, ethnicity or other distinguishing characteristics.
  • VISIONISTAS GmbH actively strives to create a corporate culture and workplace that is free from discrimination and harassment.
  • VISIONISTAS GmbH respects the right of its employees to organize themselves.
  • The employees of VISIONISTAS GmbH have the right to form or join a trade union and respects the rights of its employees and their trade unions to negotiate collective agreements.
  • VISIONISTAS GmbH is against the purchase of sexual services and child pornography
  • The purchase of sexual services, sexual exploitation of children and child pornography are illegal under legislation in several countries and may facilitate human trafficking, which is a violation of human rights.
  • Employees of VISIONISTAS GmbH on assignments and business trips, including international ones, are expected to respect the attitude of VISIONISTAS GmbH. This applies regardless of the country and both during and after working hours.

Professional development

  • VISIONISTAS GmbH promotes the professional development of its employees. When vacancies are advertised, it first looks for new employees internally, if possible.

Good corporate ethics

All employees and representatives are expected to demonstrate honesty and integrity in their dealings with other employees, customers, suppliers, business partners, organizations and authorities.

VISIONISTAS GmbH has zero tolerance towards all forms of corruption and is actively committed to ensuring that it does not occur within VISIONISTAS GmbH.

  • It is forbidden to offer, promise or give a bribe, as well as to demand, promise or accept a bribe.
  • A bribe is a gift or other benefit that could influence another person, in the course of his or her employment or duties, to show the giver an improper favor.

VISIONISTAS GmbH supports and strives for fair competition

  • The employees of VISIONISTAS GmbH must therefore comply with all relevant competition rules and refrain from entering into impermissible anti-competitive agreements and exchanging impermissible price and/or market information with competitors.

Conflicts of interest are avoided

VISIONISTAS GmbH is politically independent and its employees work in the best interests of the company

  • VISIONISTAS GmbH employees must always work in the best interests of VISIONISTAS GmbH and avoid any actions that could be perceived as favoring a company, organizations, individuals or other interest groups at the expense of VISIONISTAS GmbH. Employees must avoid all types of activities that harm the interests of the company or negatively affect the employee's judgment and integrity.
  • Agreements with or other forms of assignment to related parties must be avoided and must always be reported to and approved by the nearest superior or the Company’s Group Management.
  • VISIONISTAS GmbH does not take a political stance and therefore does not use company resources to support political campaigns or other political purposes.


Environmental protection and sustainability

Consistent and long-term environmental protection creates both environmental benefits and added value.

  • Our goal is to meet the expectations of shareholders, employees, the outside world and employees in subsidiaries regarding our business model and long-term sustainable development.
  • Necessary emission and discharge permits must be obtained where necessary.
  • Procedures and standards for waste management (handling and disposal of chemicals and other hazardous substances) as well as for emissions and wastewater treatment must meet or exceed legal minimum requirements.
  • Wherever possible, our operating sites strive to reduce environmental impact by preventing and reducing pollution and the use of harmful substances and to contribute to long-term, sustainable development through active and systematic environmental work.

Safe products and traceability

Regular checks of product safety

  • Products sold by VISIONISTAS GmbH must comply with all laws and regulations regarding product safety. Products must be traceable in accordance with applicable legal requirements and industry standards.
  • It is important that VISIONISTAS GmbH employees know which product safety regulations apply to the companies they work with and that regular checks are carried out to ensure compliance.

Animal welfare

  • VISIONISTAS GmbH strives to take animal welfare into account throughout the entire supply chain, from rearing to slaughter. The animals are treated at least in accordance with the applicable national animal welfare legislation.

Duty of care for the company’s business assets

The employees of VISIONISTAS GmbH respect the company assets

  • VISIONISTAS GmbH owns both physical assets (machines, equipment, etc.) and intellectual property (computer systems and programs, concepts, trade secrets, trademarks, etc.). VISIONISTAS GmbH's assets, including communications systems, may only be used for legitimate business purposes and not for personal gain or the enrichment of a third party.
  • Employees have a duty to protect the property and assets of VISIONISTAS GmbH from damage, theft and misuse.

Personal Data

VISIONISTAS GmbH treats all personal data strictly confidential

  • VISIONISTAS GmbH protects the personal data that the company may obtain or use in the context of information processing. Personal data is processed in accordance with the currently valid personal data policy. The management of VISIONISTAS GmbH is responsible for ensuring that personal data is handled in its company in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Personal responsibility and mechanisms for reporting violations

All employees must read the Code of Conduct and are responsible for knowing the laws, policies and regulations relevant to their job duties. If an employee has questions relating to practical situations (e.g. giving or receiving gifts/rewards or conflicts of interest), the immediate supervisor should be consulted in the first instance.

If an employee suspects possible conduct that deviates from the Code of Conduct, this should be reported to the immediate manager as soon as possible. If such a person is involved or otherwise excluded, the incident should be reported to the next senior manager or, alternatively, in accordance with the reporting policy for the company concerned.

All reports are taken seriously and investigated when necessary. There is no form of sanction (termination of employment, harassment, discrimination, etc.) for reporting a violation of the Code of Conduct in good faith or participating in the Company's investigation of a complaint.