ORGANIC turkey carcass DE-ÖKO-007 minced

  • valuable source of calcium
  • well tolerated even by small and bone-inexperienced dogs
  • from controlled organic farming
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6,58€ /kg
Tax included & shipping
1 - 3 Tage Lieferzeit
+4 Guthaben-Punkte

ORGANIC turkey carcass DE-ÖKO-007 minced, 500 g

Organic turkey carcasses are a natural source of calcium for young and old. Suitable for all healthy breeds of any age.

The article is frozen goods, minced.

Composition & Ingredients

ORGANIC turkey carcass DE-ÖKO-007

Fettgehalt 10%
Feuchtigkeit 65%
Rohprotein 15%
Feeding & Storage
  • TK goods meat frozen dog
  • Frozen meat cat
Important NOTE