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The heart is an important part of the nutritional mix for dogs and cats when BARFing. Since the heart is technically muscle meat, it goes well with many different other animal products. Basically, BARFing hearts is very simple: for example, we use hearts in addition to pure portions, in mixtures with lungs, gullets, poultry necks, tripe and other innards.

BARFing the heart makes extra sense for cats in particular, because it, like the tongue, contains taurine, which is important for furry friends. In comparison to dogs, if you BARF the heart, cats should have a slightly higher proportion of heart in the mix of animal products. For larger dogs and gluttons, beef heart chunks are also ideal, because they encourage chewing and prevent them from simply swallowing large pieces of meat.

In addition, the heart contains on average more vitamins than normal muscle meat, which makes it very nutritious for your pet. In our BARF shop you can get products made from and with the hearts of cattle, rabbits, lamb, ducks, chickens and goats.

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