Giardia are microscopic, single-cell parasites. If Giardia appear in a dog or cat, they disrupt the gastrointestinal tract and primarily cause diarrhea. In addition, symptoms such as discolored stools, colic or vomiting can occur, which in the long term can even lead to weight loss.
Giardia is widespread in dogs and cats, as it can be picked up almost anywhere when walking. It is therefore advisable to have prophylactic examinations carried out at a veterinary practice so that Giardia can be detected early in dogs and cats via stool samples. If Giardia is detected during an examination, a drug therapy is used to kill the parasites. You can support this by avoiding sugar when BARFing . Ideally, you should therefore choose a low-carbohydrate food, as this will starve the parasites. In addition, an easily digestible, nutrient-rich BARF dog food is recommended to protect the intestinal mucosa.
In addition, disinfection is very important because infected animals leave cysts everywhere. These can quickly lead to reinfection, which is why you should thoroughly clean food and water containers, places to lie down, blankets, toys and other places and objects that your animal regularly uses - ideally with water that is at least 65 degrees Celsius.