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foreign body

foreign body

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Basically, foreign bodies are objects that inadvertently enter an existing system. In relation to BARF dog food, this means that the food contains an object that does not belong there. These can be harmless foreign bodies, such as another compatible food. However, harmful foreign bodies can also get into the food. These include plastic parts or metals that cause injuries during the digestive process or are not excreted and thus cause long-term damage.

The reason for foreign bodies often lies in the animal itself. For example, cattle graze in open meadows and do not even notice that they are eating a small piece of plastic, stones or even nails. These foreign bodies then end up with the animal for slaughter. To avoid foreign bodies in the feed, BARF shops monitor themselves and are subject to regular inspections by local authorities. Before BARF meat is shipped, it is checked several times by machines and people. This is to ensure that plastic, stones and nails are detected and removed at an early stage.

Despite all the checks, it can happen that foreign bodies remain undetected in a cow's stomach. We therefore recommend stirring products such as ready-made raw food for dogs or beef tripe with a fork before feeding them. Small bones and cartilage are harmless. However, foreign bodies should be removed. If you have any further questions about foreign bodies and would like to find out more about 's approach in this regard, please feel free to contact us.

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