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Flatulence in dogs and cats can really spoil your mood when you are lying comfortably on the sofa in the evening. In these cases, the diet is usually responsible for the flatulence: dogs and cats cannot properly utilize individual food components, which leads to the formation of gas with often unpleasant smells.

There can be many reasons for flatulence in dogs and cats. As with humans, beans and peas are a good example, as they contain carbohydrates that are difficult for us and animals to digest. Lactose intolerance is also a problem, sometimes more severe, sometimes less severe, which means that the lactose in the large intestine is broken down by the microorganisms there, which in turn leads to flatulence.

Other reasons include particularly protein-rich foods, high fat content and sudden changes in food, which are particularly important for BARF . After all, starting BARF usually involves a sudden change in food. Flatulence is very common in dogs and cats, especially at the beginning. It is also quite possible that you feed certain foods too often at the beginning, which can lead to a high fat content, for example. Our BARF calculator can help you find the right balance.

It is important that you take the causes of flatulence in dogs and cats seriously. Ultimately, illnesses can also be responsible for the flatulence. By ensuring a balanced diet, you may be able to identify potential illnesses earlier. We strongly recommend that you visit a veterinarian, especially if the flatulence is accompanied by diarrhea or other unusual behavior.

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