The stop signal is one of the most important commands for dogs. It signals to the four-legged friend that he should stop an action immediately. This can be important if your dog eats unfamiliar food, suddenly starts barking or behaves inappropriately at home.
You are surely familiar with situations in which dog owners call out "no" several times, but the dog does not listen. A certain amount of training is necessary to prevent such moments. The basic rule for the stop signal is that you decide on a certain wording in advance, say it in a calm and determined voice and adopt the appropriate posture. The animal registers both words and voice and posture and can react accordingly. A hand gesture, such as a raised index finger, can also be used to make the stop signal clear to the dog from a great distance or to address deaf dogs.
So, in a stress-free and calm environment, take a stance and say the word. After two to three seconds, give your four-legged friend a dog treat . If you repeat this process several times, your dog will associate the stop signal with a reward. In addition to chews for dogs, petting or even small games can also be used as positive reinforcement.
Then the real training begins. You offer your dog food several times in one hand and encourage him to eat it. When you say the stop signal, close your food hand. If your dog waits or even looks up at you, give him a treat with your other hand. You can then do many more exercises that make the stop signal easier for the dog to understand, so that your animal will eventually respond perfectly to you. It is important that you always use an alternative to your treat so that the dog actively decides against the alternative and for the treat. We hope you have fun and success with the training!