Frozen meat

TFrozen meat products are always delivered in our paper-based packaging with proven paperfloc technology, which ensures that the cold chain (< + 7°C) is maintained for at least 72 hours (in summer).

Should it nevertheless happen that the goods have thawed, this does not constitute a loss of quality or a reason for complaint. The goods can be frozen or fed immediately. dispatch conditions

We deliver to the following countries:
Chechia, Belgium, France, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland and the United Kingdom

Minimum order value is 19€ and minimum order quantity for frozen food is 8kg (each package!) . No delivery to islands (except UK mainland)!

Dispatch conditions frozen food:
To guarantee proper quality the minimum quantity for frozen food us 8kg (e.g. 16 packages a 500g).

Dispatch days are Monday and Tuesday by DPD or UPS  (if Monday and / or Tuesday is a public holiday in Germany, the dispatch will be the following week).

Delivery is 1- 4 days after dispatch.

Frozen food will be sent in a styrofoam box to keep the cold chain at least for 72 hours. Defrosted goods can be fefreezed!

Shipping charges:
8€ per package (maximum up to 24kg -depending on the volume- per styrofoam box and/or 28kg per total order incl. packaging). No delivery to islands (except UK mainland!)


So kannst Du uns kontaktieren !

Für weitere Fragen besuche unsere  FAQ "Fragen zum Versand" oder wende Dich telefonisch oder per E-Mail an unseren Kundenservice. Wir stehen Dir selbstverständlich gerne mit Rat und Tat zur Seite!


0211 - 99446748 (Mo - Fr 8 - 18 Uhr)